when easy script code

i had no time to write all so here is it back
Please note that i have no knowledge about this!!!!!!!
Private bon1,tim1,sce
Private x1,y1,z1
sub main(3DCApp)
dim bone1,bon4,tim2,scene
tim2= inputbox(‘Write time to get Rotation’
bone1= inputbox(‘Write Bone name you want to make actions’)
bon4= scene.GetBoneIndexFromName(bone1)
set bon1= bon4
set tim1= tim2
set sce = scene
end sub
sub animatebone(Time,3DCBone)
dim xt,yt,zt
set x1=xt
set y1=yt
set z1=zt
end sub
sub main(3DCApp)
dim msg,style,title,resp
msg= ‘On Time: ‘ and tim1 and ‘ X: ‘ and x1 and ‘ Y: ‘ and y1 and ‘ Z: ‘ and z1
msg= ‘Do you want to make movement’
if resp=vbyes then
dim tim8,xz,yz,zz
tim8= inputbox(‘To which time:’)
xz=inputbox(‘X axis:’)
yz=inputbox(‘Y axis:’)
zz=inputbox(‘Z axis:’)
set tim1=tim8
set x1=xz
set y1=yz
set z1=zz
end if
End sub
Sub animatebone(Time,3DCbone)
end sub

Disney song are song with a child’s heart (beautifullist songs)


I was wondering if some day there will be also
script like :
1) object.GetBoneRotation(Boneindex,AnimationTime,AxeX,AxeY,AxeZ)
Get orientation of a bone In a paricular Time

2) object.SetBoneRotation(Boneindex,AnimationTime,AxeX,Axey,AxeZ)
Set orientation of a bone on a particular time

3) Object.GetBoneIndexFromName(BoneName)
get the bone index of a bone for 2 first actions

Private bon1
sub main(3DCapp)
dim bone1,bon4
bone1= inputbox(‘Write Bone name you want to make actions’)
bon4= 3DCapp.GetBoneIndexFromName(bone1)
set bon1= bon4
end sub

Disney song are song with a child’s heart (beautifullist songs)

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