We disappeared for an extended period due to a catastrophic database error. Thankfully I managed to find a very old backup so I could bring the site up again. We’ve lost a few years of forum posts, unfortunately. Apologies to everyone!
3DCrafter 10 Progress
I am at work on the latest version of 3DCrafter. I recently completed a major redevelopment of the “foundation” of 3DCrafter. It is now entirely written in C# and uses Direct3D 11. This was the first step towards an entirely updated version, which will be 3DCrafter 10. The first new feature for 3DCrafter 10 is voxel modelling. Voxels are 3D pixels. They can either be rendered as cubes, or automatically smoothed. Performance is quite good even with millions of voxels. I have completed this feature and am in the process of integrating it into 3DCrafter and at the same time […]
9.2.2 Available
Version 9.2.2 is now available on the downloads page.
9.2.2 New Beta Available
I’ve released a new beta of 9.2.2. I hope this will end up being the released version. Any feedback on the new version would be appreciated.
9.2.2 Beta Available
I’m working on a project to improve the reliability of the install and stability. 9.2.2 is the first attempt. Because this has some changes that conceivably could cause problems I have released it as a Beta. I’d appreciate hearing how it works for people.
9.5 Underway – Windows 8
I’ve started work on 3DCrafter 9.5. The main goal will be to get ready for Windows 8. There isn’t much I need to do, but I want to make sure that installation works well. To improve this, I’m going to remove as many Windows dependencies as possible. There should be benefits in Windows 7 and Windows Vista as well.
Simplifying things… but at a price.
Some people are still having the “Error 91”. I’m considering doing a “simplification” procedure, to remove unnecessary Windows dependencies. The worst part is that I’d have to issue new license codes for some people. I’m not sure I want to do that. And, I’d probably have to limit 3DCrafter to Vista and higher. Any comments?
At long last… a solution to error 91.
For the past while the latest version of 3DCrafter has been failing on select computers; usually with error 91. It turns out that the problem was due to a compatibility issue between 3DCrafter and Windows User Account Control. I just released a new version that corrects the problem.
Back to work
The new website is pretty close to being done. I’ll take a break from it now and get back to work on my main job: development and support.
WordPress plug-in conflicts
Generally, I’m really happy with WordPress. The only real problem I’m having at the moment is plug-in conflicts. My WordPress theme conflicts with bbPress plug-ins. And, it seems that some plug-ins conflict with each other. Unfortunately, this means that attachments don’t work for the forum yet.