Wheel rod animation

Thanks Paul, I managed to get the animation to work by moving each part individually and independantly. Back to the good old TSM days!!!!
It works reasonably well with 16 frames


Has the issue of the jumping side rods been overcome yet? Any work arounds? Or will I have to stick to dastardly diesels!!!!!!

Dick C.

As far as I know there is no resolution yet in railworks.

If you make the rods a child of the main group amd move them instead of rotating them as a child of the wheels then they won’t bump.

If you use 32 key frames then the movement should be relatively smooth.

I may try and create a script so that you can move an animated group up one level and keep the animation the same (approximately)

The bump occurs when parent and child are both at +/- 180 degrees.
The reason 3ds max models don’t bump (as much) is that their rotations are from -120 to 240 degrees.

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