Unable to open files with Crafter


I am finding some problems with opening and working on some files that I have that where created with 3D canvas, I am getting error #0 with it crashing out to desktop. Some other files will open but it is somewhat frustration that models that I had created I cannot now do anything with and I am at a loss as to what to do <!– s:? –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused" /><!– s:? –>

Can you send them to <!– e –><a href="mailto:support2@amabilis.com">support2@amabilis.com</a><!– e –>? I can have a look and see what is wrong with the files.

Sorry for the delay in replying, I have sent you two files to have a look at, hopefully you can figure out what is wrong with them.


feel free to send them to me, as two heads are better then one, or so they say. I am quite willing to help and have spare time, being semi retired.


I have this straightened out now. There should be fix available in the next two weeks.

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