trainz exporter

OK – a bit of time now <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

The TRS exporter works on models built using the MSTS style of construction – i.e. a single model gets exported as parts (body and 2 types of bogies). I’ll use an example of a steam loco.

The body is exported by selecting a single object in the main group (which makes the main group the active group)
Running the plugin and selecting ‘non-animated’, exports all non-animated groups and attachment points.
If the plugin detects an animated group (i.e. driving wheels) it checks the ‘add attachment a.bogx’ – which puts an attachment point for the drivers at 0,0,0

To export the aminated driving wheels you need to [b:1fik4qho]select the main group again[/b:1fik4qho] and select ‘animated parts’ This creates an im file and an anim.kin file that fits on the attachment added for the body.

For non-driven wheels and/or driven bogies – these are not normally animated in MSTS (done automatically by the sim)
You need to select the bogie group – this is simple if there is an object in the bogie group, but that is not always the case with some 4 wheel UK wagons – there you need to use the hierarchy to first select an object, then click on the yellow group folder for the bogie, then run the plugin and select the MSTS bogie option (4th)
This exports the wheels and generates an anim.kin automatically for the object.

Attachment points are created by adding groups named a.xxxxx – nothing under these groups gets exported and the centre of the group acts as the attachemnt position.

Hi all, I have been wracking my brainz for over a month on this, I have been trying to export to trainz. now in the instructions it says to dso a group select and then export, trouble is when I try a group select only one of the wheels vertices light up to indicate selection. could somebody please post a couple of screenies on what it is supposed to look like when a group select is done and a step by step on how to achieve it. This is a major case of probably not seeing the forrest because of the trees.


Sorry for the slight delay, I’ve been away for the weekend and I’ll try and get a full answer out tomorrow.

Basically when you select an object in a group, that group becomes the ‘active group’ that the exporter works with.

There is a slight problem for wagons where the bogie group has no object – you need to select any object first before using the hierarchy view to select the group.

Can you say what part of the model you are trying to export (main, bogie or shadow) ?

Hi Paul, at this stage it is a bogie. I used your bogey creation plugin deleted the bits I didnt want and I am wanting to export the remainder. i have searched high and low for a tute on the basic process of selecting a group such as the components of a bogey and connectin rods, but I am unable to find anything on it. It is not so much the plugin that t is causing me a problem but more my lack of knowledge about how to do things in 3DC, used to gmax <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>


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