TrainSimulatorWizard (Resolved)

Can some one with XP that was having this problem let me know if it is actually fixed? Thanks. It’s something I can’t test.

I have just installed the latest version 8.1.4. When I run the train simulator wizard, all the radio button options are blacked out. This also happens when I use the new exporter (the rsigs2.dll version). Do others have this problem?

Is this Windows XP?

Yes. With SP3 installed.

I’ve seen the same issue. See [img:2exv3bmp][/img:2exv3bmp]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="…79102192/m/677107324">; … /677107324</a><!– m –>

Also using XP, SP3.

3DC 8.1.5 PRO. WIN xp SP3.
No problem with the Wizard. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

It probably has something to do with what theme is selected in XP.

I have an idea for a solution.

I can’t reproduce it in Windows 7. But, I think I know what is likely to cause it. I’ll have to ‘guess’ as to a solution.

I’ve attached a new version of the Train Simulator Wizard that may fix the problem. It needs to replace the existing one in 3DC 8.1.6’s ‘plugins’ folder. I think REGSVR32 also needs to be run for it.

I believe I have this fixed for version 8.1.6 Build 1382, which can be downloaded here:

Download 3DC 8.1.6

theres still a problem with the exporter in the latest version/build
When you get to the bit export preferences, theres some sort of button over the the top of another for distance levels. Picture attached

Whoops! Sorry. Missed that.

Richard if your going be doing stuff in TS wiz, can we have a option to put a path in for us that use railworks pse.

Sorry Peter, I can’t right now. I have too much on my plate at the moment.

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