texture smoothing – I don’t get it

Not to worry – I’ve just andnbsp;got the latest Beta of DB Pro and the crease effect is exporting fine for the [b:1sg28o40]whole[/b:1sg28o40] model, regardless of textures! andnbsp;:D

Sorry for wasting anyone’s time reading this, but all is fine now.

I have created a model of a woman, who has many textures (for a game).
I have just discovered that when I click the surface paint tool to paint the jumper she wears (using a textured colour), instead of doing one face at a time, if I hold down the button and swivel her round until all the surfaces are textured in 1 go, she comes out with all those polygons looking very smooth in the game! <!– s:D –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!– s:D –>

[color=Blue:afev3ieb]Okay so far…[/color:afev3ieb]

Now I’ve made another texture of a slight shadow (for a protruding nipple look andnbsp;;)), but when I use the surface paint tool on any part of the jumper now, it goes back to a flat look on those polygons. <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –>

Is there a way I can have both the smooth effect and multiple texturing?
Thanks to anyone who can answer this!

Okay, I’ve since learned that the smoothing texture effect is in fact the CREASE effect.

However, after painting individual polygons over the creased material, using the crease operation does correct the lighting over these polygons, but only in the 3DC environment. As soon as the object is loaded in Dark Basic, those polygons show a nasty flat effect. andnbsp;:(

Anyone else ever had this problem? Or know a solution more to the point.

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