Suggestions & Feedback

I love 3D canvas/3D Crafter. I have been using it as a hobby since I was 16. I think the first version I downloaded was version 5.
To see some of my work, go to
Some changes in the new versions I did not like and some I did. This is not to bash your program. I very much love your program. I am just providing my feedback so you can continue to make it even better.

-As opposed to the older versions (6.5), the new version requires that you push CTRL + A to move an entire group. I don’t like that. I liked how I used to be able to move an entire group just by clicking on the parent. (If the old way is still possible, I have not been able to figure out how to do it.)
-The properties and information window is in a rather awkward place, taking up too much of the screen.

-Nice new look.
-Cool new material features. (Environment map, ect.)
-Shape operations in Animation mode. Letting you animate a scale change or effect.
-Great new view tools for better control of what you see. (pan, orbit, zooms.)

Suggestions for future versions:
-Please go back to the way that groups used to move. Without having to push CTRL + A.
-Moving textures (so that it is possible to animate mouth movements on a character model), or using a video as a background(e.g. a moving sky background.)

Thanks for reading!

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