Suggestion for future 3DC

Hy andnbsp;;D

is it possible to integrate some halflife mdl exporter
that support more than 1 textures with about 100
animations as in your md2 exporter.

I really want to know if in the future 3DC Pro will be provided with some script recording function ( as macro recording in MS Excel) this would be helpfull for animating objects at same way for example walking charachters, running charachters, kicking charachters, etc …

this would have as result that you wil win time in animating different object with same bone name in same bone group and upper group the only restriction is that you have to use one and only skeleton
because I’m not so familiar with vb script which looks very much to c++

I think that would be a handy new feature. I can’t see that happening until version 7.0 at the earliest.


<!– s:P –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!– s:P –> That would be very handy, or at least possibilty to script using the available operators.

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