submition models, texture pack, object library

Amabilis have hosted models/materials/etc in the past ([img:j79yf27t][/img:j79yf27t]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –>
) but I am not sure where they stand at the moment with their server problems.
You can send models/etc to <!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>.

I agree that it is a good thing for people to share <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Hy ;D

I was wondering if some day there would be some site where you can submit models, textrure packs, object libraries, scripts, plugins, and other stuff for all 3DC users of PLus/LP/Pro versions
and where links to different programs are set which was discussed on the forum.
I think it would be great.

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