Strange spherical texture (include 45k image)

I am working on something for 4.3 that will make this *a little bit* easier. But it will continue to work in a similar way.


Hi to all,
after many (and I mean MANY) trials, I’ve created a single mesh, low poly version of a woman.
With my personal version of an unwrapper (a .bmp image checkered with color and numbers) I’ve tested a spherical texturing but the result (as in attach) seem strange.
Into the legs, my texture is half/down mirrored but on a real sphere (also in the image) the same texture seem to work fine.
Same parameters.
I’m using 3DC PRO 4.23 Beta.

Any ideas?


If I open 3DC, I add a simple sphere and I select with andquot;Group Selection Toolandquot; the button andquot;Apply material to selectionandquot; isn’t activable (see the attach).

Is why I never thinked to use it…


You will want to use the Fill *operation* not the fill tool. They behave differently.


Yeah, but doesn’t work (3DC PRO 4.23 BETA) andnbsp;:(
After selecting the faces with the andquot;Group Selection Toolandquot;, the andquot;Fill Toolandquot; fill the entire object and not only the selected ones.

You have only selected points. You will need to select faces. Holding down the shift key when in group selection mode selects faces.


You will want to use the andquot;Fillandquot; *operation* after selecting faces.


Of course you’re right (every time I ask a question, when I receive the answer I’m feel a little Idiot… andnbsp;;) )

But (more questions and then…<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> )…

I’m trying to repeat the tutorial, step by step, and when I select only the head’s faces, I can’t use the andquot;Fill Operationandquot; because it fill all the object.

I can paint it with the paint tool, of course…

This is to be expected. The texture is projected on to the object and this will often occur depending on the orientation of the faces.

The only solution is to use the Unwrap function as described in the tutorial.


Many thanks, Richard.
There is an easiest way to map an object?
I’ve permanently lost 3D6 of Sanity during the process andnbsp;:)


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