SetTexturePointCoordinate/scripting (Enhancment added to 7

Internally 3DC ‘works around’ this on a regular basis. It really isn’t that hard. All you need to do is split your point into two when the texture coordinate is different. I use a fucntion that is basically:

Function GetPoint(X,Y,Z,U,V) as long

I look through a list of points for a point that matches xyzuv. If there I return an index to it. If not there I add it to the list and return the index to it. In the end I have a list of points that are automatically ‘split’ when the UV changes. It’s a little more complicated than this since I use hashing to improve ‘point finding’ but you needn’t do that. It doesn’t have to be super efficient.

But having said that, this is already part of my plans for 7.0. I completed this yesteray. I guess this is the first ‘enhancement’ for 7.0.


I would like to see that a given Point on the modell can held multiple texturepointcoordinates when using scripting. The actual method blows the code on complex models.

Amabilis Support Note: This message has been edited to indicate that this has been completed in 7.0.

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