Scaling from properties box


I think this is due to the new andquot;Oriented tools and operationsandquot; feature:

Start 3DC, drop in a cube 1/1/1. Set andquot;scale toandquot; to x=1,y=1;z=3; andnbsp;camera frame position set to 4/1/0, camera frame orientation to 0/0/0.

After applying the operation the results are different depending on the orientation you selected:

Screen: 1,477/1,453/2,209
All other: 1/1/3.
The proportions stay the same after applying a second andquot;scale toandquot;.

It is better to drop in a fresh cube now to reproduce what follows. Move the camera 45 degrees looking at the cube in -X direction (orientation 0/-90/0).

Now apply the andquot;scale toandquot; operation various times in different orientations. I get these results.

Standard orientation: first andquot;scale toandquot;: 3/1/1; andnbsp;second: 3/1/1; andnbsp;third and more:1/1/3

Screen: first scale to: 1,477/1,453/2,209; second: 3,023/1/0,928; third: 3,023/1/0,928
fourth: 2,114/1,249/1,992; five: 3,023/1/0,928 six: 3,023/1/0,928 andnbsp;seven: 2,114/1,25/1,992 some more changes, stays finally at the last values given.

World: 1/1/3, constant
Object: 1/1/3, constant
(3DC crashes while redoing the scale to operations, grrng)
Face: 1/1/3, constant

A suggestion: it would be nice to have a primary toolbar with a user-defined start-up configuration or if 3DC remembered the configuration of the last session (orientation mode, grid etc on/off).

Best regards


I wish you had the ability to scale objects under the right click-properties box. andnbsp;That way you see the current size in the same window and can make changes right there. andnbsp;Currently, you must look at properties to get current size. andnbsp;Go to scale, enter a value. andnbsp;Click scale. andnbsp;I’d like to see it set up just like the x y z orientation fields under properties.
Thanks for the great new version

I downloaded 3dCP at work and tried to recreate, and it didn’t work. andnbsp;I’ll check it out when I get home.

If you create a box 1x1x1 and set scale to values to
10x1x1 and click scale tool… your box becomes 10x1x1. andnbsp;If you click the scale to tool a second time the box becomes 1x10x1. andnbsp;The x and y value swap.

I can’t reproduce this issue. Can you give me explicit instructions on how to reproduce this? Start by closing 3DC and restarting it.


One thing that is a sub topic of above… when you click the scale to tool once it set object to your entered values, but if you click it twice it swaps the x and y axes, or rotates their values 90 degrees. andnbsp;Just curious if you did that for convenience or if it is unintended.

A number of people have requested scaling via the properties box. It would definitely be more convenient. Unfortunately, when I looked at it, it presented an assortment of problems architecturally.

I’m not sure what you mean on point 2. I tried it a bunch of times and everything seems to work as I would expect. Maybe I am missing something?


Oh. OK. Off hand, that all sounds correct (except for the crash of course). The size scaled to is relative to the orientation, but when you look at the properties it is reported in world coordinates.


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