saving configs

Thanks for your excellent support, Richard! andnbsp;:D andnbsp;It is appreciated.

– Andrew

This may be a minor gripe, but will save me a little annoyance every time I start up 3DC going through the same little routine.

Is it possible in a later upgrade to make it so that when you configure settings like…

[b:3pglnknc]visible camera[/b:3pglnknc]
[b:3pglnknc]visible bones[/b:3pglnknc]
[b:3pglnknc]visible lights[/b:3pglnknc]

…it saves to a .dat file (or something) so that when you next open 3DC it opens with your personal settings.

If it’s not too much trouble. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Well, if we’re not into version 6 yet, how about a real simple tweak: can you make the colour of the text on the button, or the background of the button, that restrains the movement in a particular axis match the colour of the axis affected by the button?

Damn! That’s confusing!

Trying to describe 3-d in simple English is hard enough, methinks the language skills to describe the tools to manipulate 3-d currently escapes me.

Damn Guinness!

Do you get my drift Richard?

These will probably be enabled for the next version of 3DC (likely 3DC 5.7 rev 1)


I’d like to 2nd D_Akuma’s request on personal settings and the start-up values of the visible object buttons. It would be a little time saver. Thanks!

– Andrew

<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>
Thanks Richard,

Just these three things I have to turn off every time I start a session, and when I’m switching between apps every 5 minutes it’s a little frustrating.

Thank you. andnbsp;:)

Many andquot;configsandquot; are saved, but some are not. Usually for a good reason, but not always.

I’ll have a look at this for a future release.


That’s a good idea and I like it. It’s on the list. But no guarantees when it will happen though. (It would require a doc change and I’m not in the mood <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –> to do that for 5.7 rev 1)


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