Properties/info function keeps failing – unstable.

I am running Windows 7, with Radion HD4800 series video card, latest updates for card and DirectX.

For 3DC8. I select an item then click the properties/info button on the right. A number of things can happen at this point:

1) Everything will function properly, this happens approximately 20% of the time.

2) The popup will appear but will be blank, after a few moments it may or may not disappear.

3) The popup will appear but will be frozen .. need to restart 3DC.

4) The popup will appear and function but will vanish if I try to drag it in order to undock it.

I’m not sure if there are other problems but I think there may be when compared to docking/undocking functions in other applications. 3DC does not remember its custom size and whether it was docked or undocked from the previous time it was open. If this isn’t a bug then it would be a nice addition. <!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –>

Thanks in advance,


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