problem with old 3dc objects with bones…

All I can say is that I completely disagree with you. All of these functions can be done in 3DC to good effect. All it requires is a change in work flow, and an occasional extra step.

This seems to be a an endless loop, so this subject is closed Alex.


<!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –> andnbsp;Hi, andnbsp;my problem is my old models in the object library (with bones) are a little screwy..

when i put the model in the scene and play the animation,
the arms dont move in the proper place

but my biggest problem is when i put an object with bones into the object library and then try to put it into another scene, all my bones are gone except the (hip) andnbsp;….

what should i do??????

I figured out the problem(s) but don’t have a good solution yet. I broke skeletal animation with 5.5. Well… broke it for objects where key-frame 0 is not the relaxed state.

Also, I was able to add your (david) object to the library with all bones intact. But the bugs in 5.5 make that pretty much useless.

I’ll keep working on this and should have a solution relatively soon (days). It is a pretty big thing to have broken so I’ll be putting out a 5.0a.1


Sure go ahead.


Can you send me an example? (<!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>)


<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> hi Richard, can i send you my object too?????

Odds are that the bones were never added to the object library. If the hierarchy wasn’t correct it won’t be added to the object library correctly.

There are a couple of tutorials that may help. The skeletal animation tutorial and the BVH tutorial are useful. Also [img:24vk563x]http&#58;//www&#46;cazzer&#46;com[/img:24vk563x]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –>
has useful information. It all depends on whether it is a true skeletal or jointed-skeletal model.


Thanks andnbsp;;D

Actually, this was a very important issue (to me). I’m glad you pointed it out.


<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> andnbsp;:) andnbsp;thank you so much Richard!!

your really a cool guy!!!

hope i didnt waste your time with my problem!

i know your probablly very busy!

thanks again!!

andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; andnbsp; David


I have a patch available for you:

<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –>

It is 2 MBs and is a replacement for the 3DC.exe file. I believe that it corrects the issues that you found.

Thanks David and Alex for the very useful examples.

David, I added a new function based on playing with your sample (very cool by the way-never seen that done before). The animation of the root frame is now preserved when adding an object to an object library. A small hint: If you click on the animation camera, click the andquot;Track Objectandquot; button (on the right toolbar) and then on an object, the animation camera will automatically look at the selected object no matter it is relative to the camera. Also, if you want to add a hierarchy (such as you sent) to an object library, right-click the root (hips) of your hierarchy and choose andquot;Select Hierarchyandquot;. Then right-click on the selection and choose andquot;Add to Object Libraryandquot;



These are not andquot;fixesandquot;. A andquot;fixandquot; is repairing something that is broken.

Calling something a andquot;fixandquot; when it is not a fix is not going to encourage me to do custom upgrades for you. In fact, it does the exact opposite.

#2 – I believe that what you want to do is click the red X on the material palette.


I think #2 is adequate. A few seconds in MS Paint is all it takes.

I think 3DC is a well rounded program. I doubt there is any other low cost program that covers the range that 3DC does. The fact that there are low cost/free programs which do some aspect andquot;betterandquot; than 3DC doesn’t concern me. A specialty program that only does andquot;one thingandquot; is likely to do that andquot;one thingandquot; better than a general purpose program.



Thank you for all of the suggestions you have made in the past. Your suggestions have been valuable contributions and I do appreciate them. When I agree with your suggestions, and time permits, I tend to implement them. andnbsp;But of course we don’t always agree, and time does not always permit.

And I recognize that English isn’t your first language so I try to be patient. But when you put quotes around andquot;fixandquot; I interpreted that to mean that you knew you were asking for an enhancement.

As for #2…. the Unwrap operation just modifies the current texture in the material palette and applies a andquot;temporaryandquot; texture mapping to the model (which you replace later). If you don’t like a particular part of your unwrapped texture all you need to do is open the texture in an image editor and erase the part you don’t like. Then you can re-unwrap on to that location. I agree this is not andquot;idealandquot; since there are occasions where this will result in some re-work. But I think it does the job more than adequately.



I am sure you understood my last post. I said the thread was closed.

You have deliberately shown a worst case example. I have no idea why you would do such a thing except to annoy me. You have succeeded.


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