Points and Textures

A point has to be split when the UV coordinates are not equal for all faces that share the point.


Hi. I’m curious as to why a cube’s point count goes from 8 to 12 when a texture is applied to one of the sides? When I’m done texturing all 6 sides, the point count is 24. Is a texture just another face pasted on the face of the cube? I guess not, because the face count remains at 6 throughout the entire operation.

Thanks. andnbsp;:)

– Andrew


There is a weird Direct3D bug that shows translucent faces using their internal triangle representation if in wireframe/outline mode. But the painting doesn’t actually triangulate. You can verify this by hovering over the faces.


When you apply textures… you’ll notice that your surfaces get andquot;triangledandquot;. A face of a square becomes 2 triangles, etc.

Uh, does UV stand for Ultra-Violet? (That’s a real newbie question, I’m sure!) Thanks again. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Aha! 24 points to a cube. I know this one.

No, UV won’t give you a tan. It’s a 2-d co-ordinate system used to map flat two-dimensional bitmap textures onto a three-dimensional object. It refers to the x and y co-ordinates of the bitmap, but since x and y are already used in the 3-d world, somebody picked two other letters from the alphabet close to x, y and z.

They’re always between 0 and 1 (percentage). 0,0 would be the lower left of the bitmap and 1,1 would be the upper right (or maybe upper left and lower right, varies with file format). This allows you to resize the physical bitmap file without having to remap the existing UV co-ordinates.

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