Pipe and fence

Thanks for the compliments. As for the competition, my job keeps me away for very long hours. Most of the time I don’t even get home in time to turn my machine on except to check email. I will try to put something together for one of the upcoming contests, but no promises.


What is the name of the shader, approximate cost, and where to buy?

This is not done yet.
I will add trash and stuff

Hi Kirk!
Once again, outstanding render. I realize you dont use POV, ( it’s the only renderer I have) but I am really wanting to know if you are making your own textures? or are the gotten from someplace else. I just cant seem to get textures of that quality on the net. At least not yet. But I’m still looking. andnbsp;;D

Yep…I saw the shaders tab. andnbsp;We need to talk my friend…..I’ll e-mail ya… 8)

Pardon my ignorance but what is a shader I’m very curious. That looks to be a very real result.

Hi Les

Shaders are more on the lines of coloring and man made
effects, unlike textures that are more on the lines of a picture. (i.e a brick wall or ski pic )
pov ray has a type of shader but i find pov hard to deal with.
In my model andquot;pipe and fenceandquot; i am talking about a program i was using .

I like to help, so if anyone has questions
please ask, thats what were all doing here, right?


your work in the gallery looks great!
why are you not in the computition yet?

Kirk_saavedra <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

I would also be interested in learning about this shader, if thats ok….



great picture! What renderer you used?
I assume that because you talk about
shaders it’s either Renderman compliant
or then some hardware specific shader
environment, DirectX-stuff?

But, whatever you used, it looks great!

— Markku

Looks great.Wish i could render objects like you do.Keep it up.

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