One more spaceship model…

I hope I could do as good spaceships as you, couse I’m working on spacesim and my spaceships aren’t so good.

Hi all,

one more model from Markku’s spacedock andnbsp;;D andnbsp;;D



I like the engines <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>
Not too sure about the side texture …
But I do like the andquot;bridgeandquot;

Very nice!! <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>
That would make a cool Mother Ship.


Alan and Les,

you know where from the inspiration comes for
those engines andnbsp;;D andnbsp;;D . I tried to include some
of those lighting tricks seen here, but I had some
difficulties (too bright lightning no matter how
I set the parameters in 3DC…). I need to
spend some time with those lighting tricks yet.
Anyway, I’m looking the model now from the
workplace, and it seems to be somehow fuzzy.
Different resolution and different contrast or
brightness setting perhaps…
Anyway, I should have added more detail, but
as usual, the motivation is a bit hard to maintain
at 3:00am andnbsp;;D . Maybe I should begin a bigger
(longer) modeling project… Well, I have ideas
for character animation, maybe I can use these
ships as props.



I heartily recommend Les’s tutorial, you can see he
is quite expert in space fighter creation. Also remember
to check out Mel’s and Alan’s models, they are very
good and instructive material. Also, nice to see other
Finns here andnbsp;;D

I had this idea of space station scenery, but I’m making
no promises. It might be too big a project just yet. I
want to see what 3DC really can do first…

I recommend that anybody who is thinking about
modeling spaceships checks his/her favorite TV space
sci-fi series (or favorite space game…) and watches
closely those ships. Even pros seem to begin with
simple shapes. Then detail is added and blended with
good textures (all too often most of the detail IS in
the texture!).

Have fun modeling,


Your Ships are great as usuall. I bet they would make fantastic props for characters. Maybe you could do a model figure in a ERV suit during a space walk. That would be really cool. Keep up the great work. Be looking forward to your next creation. <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –>

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