Objects export :Lightwave 5.x format ?


I purchased and have been using Accutrans for a few months now…it is very useful, although since I’ve been using 3DC Pro, I haven’t needed to turn to Accutrans as much…

Wayne Hogue confirmed that 3DC uses the Accutrans dll file for its conversions…its a small world..!

Pinnacle is making noises about a new version of HollywoodFX (ver. 4.6) that will have better import of lightwave objects…so it may turn out that Richard is right and the strict need for lightwave 5.5 files will be done away with…

In any case, thanks for your suggestion. I appreciate the help.


Is the export to Lightwave in Lightwave version 5 or 6? I need Version 5 for my HFX transitions… If not included, can it be done?

Thanks in advance


I would suggest looking around the ‘net. You may be able to find an older version of 3D Exploration or some other program that imports DirectX and exports LightWave 5.


Hi Richard,

I understand you can not do it all yourself. I would use the same trick <!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –> But couldn’t you find a 5 exporter? The one who created the 6 did one time maybe a 5 and it is sitting somewhere unused… Like that you could use both formats..

P L E A S E!

Thanks in advance


I think it is 6. I don’t have control over this. andnbsp;I use a third party exporter for LWO.


Hi Richard,

Older versions usualy don’t work past the trial period. After that you need to buy (read: upgrade) the new product with a lot of features I don’t andnbsp;use… I just bought your product, and I love it. Specially the price <!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –> I am willing to pay for what I need, but I don’t want to pay prices like for lightwave. Not that I don’t think it may be worth it, but I need a programm like yours. Export in LWO(5) would be nice. I would be willing to pay exta…

I have looked around but came up empty. Maybe some guys here have some ideas? You are all into this 3D stuff and for me it is only a sidestep, though a nice one <!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –>

So: everybody: HEEEELP <!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –>

Thanks in advance


The best [img:2pttw0f2]http&#58;//www&#46;okino&#46;com/conv/exp_lw&#46;htm[/img:2pttw0f2]
export options
that I’ve found for Lightwave objects are contained in PolyTrans software ([img:2pttw0f2]http&#58;//www&#46;okino&#46;com[/img:2pttw0f2]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.okino.com">http://www.okino.com</a>&lt;!– m –>
), but at $395 US its a bit extravagant for home/casual 3D users. But they do allow you to specify Lightwave 5.6, 6 (and I think 7) formats during export.

Like Eddy, I’m busy creating objects for importing into Pinnacle’s Hollywood FX software. And a current limitation is the 5.x format.

So far 3DC saves in a format that is importable…and having the ability to create and modify existing objects is great. I love 3DC…!

In any case, would it be possible to ask your third-party exporter developer if they could include a choice of versions in the export process..? Worst they could say is andquot;[i:2pttw0f2]no[/i:2pttw0f2]andquot;…?

I won’t be bugging him for a 5.x export. He has a lot on his plate and I don’t believe that would ever be a high priority for him. I am sure that HFX will eventually support 6.x files.



I think the 3rd party exporter used by Amabilis is Accutrans 3D. andnbsp;If the output from 3DC is not a 5.5 LWO, you can open it up in Accutrans3D and then save it as a LWO object, then use HFX importer to translate it into an HFO. andnbsp;You may download the full product from Accutrans and if it works pay the license registration fee ($20) – honesty policy but worth every penny. andnbsp;

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