My 3DC no longer creates Unicode for me

Now it seems to be alternating between creating isocode and not. I’m pulling my hair out now. Happy New Year.

Taking a short break from creating models yesterday, I downloaded a new activity for the new ECML route. I had not tried this before, but I knew that the activity unpacker needs a slight fix to make it work, involving the association of the .apk file type with the MSTS activity unpacker utility.

Having successfully played with the activity, when I returned to my modelling, the .S files I created failed to compile. It took me some time to realise that it was because they were not Unicode format. Running the txt2uni utility, everything was OK again. Why has 3DC 4.23 suddenly stopped doing it for me? Has the .apk extension got a special meaning with 3DC? I did not do anything else, honest.

(I have not yet upgraded to v5 because I was in the middle of my latest steam locomotive project and did not want to add any new problems mid-model)

Ian M.

You and me both. I look at the entries in the Registry to determine the location of txt2uni. I have no thoughts as to why it would have stopped working.


.. and today it starts producing Unicode again, despite a couple of reboots and power downs yesterday. It has me foxed.

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