Multiple objects deletion may leave empty groups (Resolved

I decided to leave this as is, because I can see a use for this. You can always select and delete the empty group if it is in the way.

Add 3 primitives to an empty scene: Sphere, Cylinder, Torus
Make hierarchy: Cylinder group in Sphere group and Torus group in cylinder group

[pre class=’ip-ubbcode-code-pre’]
– Sphere
– Group
– Cylinder
– Group
– Torus

Select hierarchy from Sphere object

It remains:
[pre class=’ip-ubbcode-code-pre’]
– Group
Nothing should be left from the created hierarchy.

Yes, there are circumstances where an empty group can be left behind. I’m just not sure it should be considered a bug or not. I’m going to have to think about it.

With 3DC 7.1.2, the empty groups disappear. It seems correct: why leave groups with no object?

I know exactly what you mean. It is definitely a change from 7.1.2.

I’m considering adding the ability to create empty groups, at which point I won’t be able to delete empty groups, just in case they want the empty group.

So, I’m still deciding how to proceed.

I see one drawback with this:
When exporting to KRS, the number of groups / the hierarchy depth is limited.
I use a lot hierarchies and I’ll simplify it when I’ll export the modle to KRS.

Leaving empty groups might be a problem to the exporter (but it can automatically clean the model when creating the export) or to KRS.

And also, without the export question, I might just want to simplify the hierarchy of the model and leaving empty groups will make the model hierarchy messy.
At least it must be possible to delete manually empty groups.

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