MSTS Model completed (in Beta form anyway!)

Certainly, Richard!

When I release the full version, I’ll do you a gallery picture! (want to re-do the tender so that the creasing is better!)

What format, size etc do you need?


oh, and yes – I think I jumped in the deep end… but hey, I swam (just!). Thing is though, once I got my head around extrude/shift the 3D part became easy.. not so the texturing! It’s a black art, but I’m learning! Cheers for the cross-section modelling tutorial – it was the turning point for me and 3DC!

<!– s:-) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!– s:-) –>

I finally completed my MSTS Class A4 Silver Fox – couldn’t have done it without 3DC Pro!!

Now, what should I do next? My next model, or a tutorial or two?


Thanks for the info. I was just curious as to how it was done.
Thanks again,

… not sure!!

MSTS creates smoke automatically – I’m not sure how this could be done differently. However, I did use the train-sim-wizard to define the smoke from a placeholder object.

If you use MSTS, the loco is available to download on [img:vvhs6bmw]http&#58;//www&#46;uktrainsim&#46;com[/img:vvhs6bmw]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""></a>&lt;!– m –>
but you’ll need to register. (it’s free)


That is a very cool looking model!!

Tutorials are great, but then so is the excitement of moving on to your next model…hehehe. Hmm, what to do, what to do?

One question:
Are you creating your train smoke in MSTS, or using the andquot;Particle Operationandquot; in 3DC?


Very nice job jonrach73. Beautiful locomotive…..
<!– s:oops: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!– s:oops: –>

Cheers for the nice comment!! The Class A4 is a beautiful loco indeed… I just hope when I release the full version, my model will do it justice!!


Thanks Jon.

1024×768 in BMP format (and zipped) would be ideal. But if you can’t produce that, 800×600 in BMP format.



Looks great. You sure picked something difficult as your first major modelling task.

Any hopes for a picture for the gallery?


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