more wheels

Thanks for the ideas


It’s not problem to build up to 12 wheels I get them all to animate with TSW and shifting the order of the wheels in the bogies. More wheels than 12 make trouble especially if I animate them myself in 3DC. Then sometimes they move in strange ways, sometimes they don’t move at all.

@ Richard

Thanks for your offer. As there is no rush anyway because I’m moving house and I can’t access the internet in the usual way I’ve got time to try some ideas myself without bothering you. If I don’t get any usable results I might come back to your offer some time in November.

For all who wanted a look at the model I attach a pic.

Is there a way to get the wheels of a 24-wheeler all to turn? With TSWizard the first 3 axles of a bogie are animated. When I animate the other 3 axles in 3DC the animation doesn’t show in MSTS.

The anim_node refers to a line in the NEWSHAPES.BNF file. andnbsp;This is the file used by FFEDITC to parse and compile the .s file generated by the WIZARD. Your additional wheels may require direct editing of that file to activate their animation. andnbsp;The wizard may have some limitation of the number of animations exported in the .s file. andnbsp;I don’t know if this is the case for certain. andnbsp;However, perusing the NEWSHAPES(the updated one of course), under the line anim_nodes andnbsp;has the first entry defined as an unsigned integer, named NumNodes. andnbsp;The second entry is anim_node and it is an optional repeatable entry. andnbsp;No limit is shown, so if some have managed to do what you want, then it can be done. andnbsp;

The update applied to the andquot;controllerandquot;, andquot;slerp_rotandquot;, and andquot;tcb_rotandquot; line entries each of which is part of the andquot;anim_nodeandquot; entry.

Hope this helps,



I’ve been there, too. And somewhere he is definitely speaking of more than 3 axles. I changed the order of the wheels and tried every conceivable permutation and order but to no avail: 3 axles/bogie are animated the rest doesn’t move.
Btw strange is the anim_node part:
If you don’t animate anything with 3DC then you don’t get any anim_node but
if you animate anything at all, pantograph, wipers or wheels you get their anim_nodes and those for the wheels you didn’t animate, too.

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I tried the FAQ page at this site. andnbsp;It seems that he knows what he is talking about, but I couldn’t get it to work. andnbsp;

He suggests that BOGIE1 needs to be directly under MAIN group, and the WHEELS1, WHEELS2, WHEELS3, WHEELS4… need to be in order…1,2,3,4…

There is another part andquot;anim_nodeandquot; that he has you looking for, but it wasn’t in my S file.

I think I don’t get it quite right. Do you mean I have to edit the newshape.bnf file or the *.s file and change it.
I assume you mean the *.s file but I’m not sure how to change this when there are no anim_node entries present.


Does the Wizard have these built in limitation of the number of animations andquot;Cohearnandquot; is mentioning or is it a MSTS limitation built into the newshapes.bnf file ?

Chris says in his FAQ andquot;If you want your third wheel to animate ([b:30mj1t42](and fourth, and fifth), [/b:30mj1t42]), ….andquot;

He doesn’t mention any MSTS bug except the strict importance of the correct order of the hierarchy but that’s not a real bug.

I tried all his suggestions but it doesn’t work.

Its not a limitation of 3DC. It is a known bug in MSTS. Check out [img:1gjrjk41]http&#58;//www&#46;christrains&#46;com[/img:1gjrjk41]
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The order is not significant with wheels 1 to 2, but is important for 3 onward. I would consider that a bug. The order of these particular items in the file shouldn’t be significant. You are setting the order when you name them Wheel1, 2 3 etc. But that’s just my opinion.

You may be able to andquot;forceandquot; 3DC to change the order of these items by renaming them all to a new names (say W1, W2 and W3), moving them to a new parent, and then running the Wizard on them to re-identify them.


What about the 4th, 5th and 6th axle in a bogie? Has nobody experience with this problem? The correct order alone it can’t be, at least it doesn’t work for me.

Addendum: Maybe I’ve not been clear enough. It’s a problem of 4th, 5th etc.[b:3jb4ntk6]axle[/b:3jb4ntk6] not [b:3jb4ntk6]wheels[/b:3jb4ntk6]. But Microsoft/Kuju is not to clear about this either. Sometimes they say wheels in the *.eng files and mean axles, sometimes they mean wheels.
Maybe a general difficulty mixing the English tradition to count wheels and continental-European tradition to count axles.

Are these driver wheels on a steam engine? Or, the automatically animated andquot;wheelsandquot; (wheel1, wheel2 etc.)?


No, these are wheels on a wagon (a railway-gun K5). There are two bogies each has 12 wheels.

It sounds to me like an ordering problem. Probably the only fix is to use [img:1idhe3yz]http&#58;//www&#46;christrains&#46;com’s[/img:1idhe3yz]
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="’s">’s</a>&lt;!– m –>


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