Mapping Texture Rotation (Resolved)

Hi Gerrit,

Hmm – could this be a simple case of failed to read the manual ??? Uh oh – and – all the time I have spent struggling with this…

Thanks for the tip – I’ll give it a try tonight…


Hi Richard,

Is there a way to modify the rotation capability in UnWrap, UV Map, and UV Re-Map operations ???

I’m probably not the only one – but – the current rotation function seems pretty useless to me… It seems to rotate now at 5.xxxxx degrees… So if you are rotating something within these operations it is impossible to perform a 30 degree rotation or a 90 degree rotation or a 180 degree rotation- etc etc etc…

Can you modify the rotation so it rotates to a whole number ??? That way we can easily do a 45, 90, 180, 270 degree rotation ??? I find myself trying to do 90’s all the time and I get pretty frustrated with it… I always have to move all the points individually…

Thanks and keep up the good work…


Hi Scott

Hold down the CTRL key, then it rotates in smaller steps.
That works in version 7, I think in 8 also.


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