Lost license code

I got my codes today in an e-mail thank you!

Hello,I have lost my 3DC pro license information and I need it to reinstall the program.I have sent 2 e-mails to support with no answer.Can I please get my information sent to me?I am unwilling to spend another $70.00.I am a little disappointed in the lack of customer service I am getting.Any ideas???

I have a similar experience with having lost my 8.x license, which I was entitled to based on the timing of my original purchase. I have written numerous emails to the support email address, starting late last year. More recently I tried the private message route. I have yet to receive any form of response.

It’s been well over a month and still no response.I would say they clearly do not care about their customers.I will never buy anything from amabilis again, and I am telling everyone I know the same.

I print out my email that has the License code. Putting it in a safe place (a box or a safe with copies of other License’s for other software). Also I make a copy of the License code using Notepad, and copying this to a CD that I have placed my copy of the software. So you have too separate sources.

I figured out what happened to many of the requests for licenses. They were sent to <!– e –><a href="mailto:info2@amabilis.com">info2@amabilis.com</a><!– e –>. When I was re-setting up my computer, I was checking for <!– e –><a href="mailto:info@amabilis.com">info@amabilis.com</a><!– e –> not <!– e –><a href="mailto:info2@amabilis.com">info2@amabilis.com</a><!– e –>. So, if it has been a REALLY long wait that could be the explanation. Others have ended up in SPAM. But, I do tend to ‘batch’ these requests. I collect them and then send them all out at once. It’s a time consuming process and that helps. So, if you are at the beginning of a ‘collection period’, you could have a fairly long wait.

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