Limitations of 3DC and planning to be good

Creating a single object that is dispersed throughout the scene does create problems. 3DC will have do considerably more work if there is a single object. If an object’s bounding box is within the viewing frustum each face has to be tested for visibility. If you have a single object, then each face has to be tested. If you split up into andquot;regionsandquot; 3DC may be able to exclude large numbers of faces from visibility based on a simple test of the object’s bounding box.



I have a lot of trouble once my models get over a few thousand polys. andnbsp;It may just be using objects I create in scripts, but the slow downs and crashes get me down.

Is there a way to determine the limit a given system should be able to handle? andnbsp;I ask so that if I plan to use a different machine for a final render of a model, I can design components to ship to that machine.

I also wonder if my trouble is caused by my objects, which in the week of slowdown are all created in scripts and plugins. andnbsp;Is there such a thing as andquot;bad model creationandquot;. andnbsp;How can I avoid creating a badly behaved object?



I am awaiting the reply on this one too. Although i dont use the scripts that much yet, i too am spending more time learning POV since it doesnt crash on me every time i undo or do a difficult operation on it. I am sure that my system is the culprit here, but anything i can learn to …andquot;efficientlyandquot; ( if thats the right term) create andnbsp;with less crashing and strain( on both my nerves and my system) will maybe atleast help me do more creating than cursing. I am still so new to this that i am thinking that i must not be object cleaning, or face reducing, or geometry optimizing enough, or at the proper times in the development process to keep 3DC happy on my system. I guess i need to learn the andquot;progressionandquot; rule… create, clean, reduce, optimize, texture…or is it create, optimize, reduce, clean, texture…well, anyway, back to work… <!– s:P –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /><!– s:P –>


Does this mean the total number of points in any 3DC object?

Or by obect part do you mean individual faces? andnbsp;A face with 10K points would be interesting. andnbsp;

I’ve been creating objects with thousands of billboards, each of which has 9 points. andnbsp;So things will be more relaxed if I stick to 1000 billboards for each object?



I think objects object parts should ideally be less than 10K points. Though they can be up to 32k points (if I recall right).

The issue may be overlapping faces. I know if there are large numbers of faces that are oriented similarly and overlap there can be slowdowns. Also, the first time an andquot;objectandquot; is displayed assorted calculations occur. This can be andquot;initiallyandquot; slow.


That’s probably it: too many objects.

So you have a simple object and are creating thousands of objects? I would suggest merging the objects as you create them. I don’t think 3DC would like thousands of individual objects in a scene. You can merge using scripting with the andquot;AddObjectandquot; method.


Hi Richard

I think you misread. andnbsp;I do have a simple object (2 faces). andnbsp;I create only one 3dc object and then add the simple object to it many times.

The result looks like many objects of two faces (which are nowhere near each other) but they are in fact already part of the same 3dc object. andnbsp;That way my script which turns my all the little objects toward the camera just has to step through the faces in one object.

And this is what really prompted my question: is there anything intrinsically wrong with creating an object that is dispersed through the rest of the scene?


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