
Thank you to the both of you! <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Yes, I am at it once again… asking more questions. We all have to learn don’t we? (I’m sorry if I am getting annoying. I am just trying to learn! <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>)

I do realize that there are lighting programs such as Gile to use with my renderings and animations, but my question is how do I get effective lighting with 3DC? The lightbulbs and the other light source thigns I can drag and drop onto the 3DC aren’t working for big renders such as mountains and big cities. I cannot effectively model with no light and I can’ figure out a way to get the light there. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Also, if I load a scene into a program such as Gile will it still be dark like it is in 3DC or will it be lighted automatically so I can actuallly see it?

Thanks in advance.


You can adjust the lights in your scene…

Select the light, right click and bring up the properties. you can then adjust the intensity of the light.

You can have as many lights as you wish.

Turn up the light intensity of the ambiant light.

Your scene in 3DC shouldn’t be so dark that you can’t see things. Only if you are using very dark textures would you get this problem.
Black loco’s are a nightmare.

How large is your scene, can you post a screenshot of the problem?

To get the best out of Gile you really need to be able to load the lightmapped scene into Blitz. You can’t load it back into 3DC with the lightmap attached.


Another thing to be aware of is if you have the atmosphere turned on this can reduce you view of large objects. Atmosphere is the forth button from the left on the top row.

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