Lets not forget the trains.

WOW! <!– s:oops: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!– s:oops: –>

Being a Diesel Era guy… I seldom give steam much attention… however… that is a superb Model.

Great Work.

My First Engine. The Baldwin AS-16.

Credit Goes to Paul Gausden’s excellent WHEELZ plugin for getting this off to a good start. It’s not done yet… but it plopped into trainsim on no time!

What did you use to make the trees?? The trees and the ground texures are great. I’m trying to put together my first full scene and would love to know how the trees and ground was done.

The image is an in-game shot from MS Train simulator so credit for the ground and trees should go to Bill Gates <!– s;) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!– s;) –>
(or at least to the contracted company MS used to write the program – Kuju)

Nice one Pete <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> … more trains!

Here’s one of my latest models for MSTS!


And this is the Cabview; also done with 3DC.

Oh, forgot to mention to the picture above, for the really good looking wheels i’m indepted to Paul Gausden

My latest DMU of the OEBB

Another 3DC project I didn’t think I could do till I tried.

The Conrail GE Dash 8 40B

Hey PWillard,

A little off topic, but I see that in your MSTS screen shot your track displays a moire pattern. andnbsp;I have this issue as well and would like to know if anyone has been able to overcome it. andnbsp;BTW, that is an extremely nice train you’ve crafted. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>


Wow guys!
These are incredible images of trains.
Do you guys make animations using the train models and if so is there a web site I could go to to view them?


Hi Paul,
andnbsp;pwillard makes some excellent trains!
I like this style- looks like something Donald andamp; Mickey would use! 8)

Just thought I’dd add to this thread with a small steam loco of my own.

UK SECR P-Class andnbsp;(3’9andquot; wheels) 8 built 1910-1920, 4 are preserved.

Looks nice POVray’d – one day they’ll look like this in MS Train sim *sigh*

There are still not enough trains in this forum!
Come on all you MSTS modellers out there andnbsp;;D

Here’s one almost complete….

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