Inverted Translucency Map

Nice to have a work-around. I should add this to the andquot;FAQandquot; for 3DC.

I don’t know if this is relevant or not, but the TGA file that you sent to me that is inverted with 3DC also crashes Corel Photopaint.

I would be curious to see if Photoshop produces this problem also.


If I create a .tga file with a translucency map in the alpha channel using Paint Shop Pro v7 and then select it in 3DC Pro for use as a texture, the translucency map seems to be inverted and the coloured parts of the texture turn invisible and the invisible part turn grey or white. It can be painted to the model (much by guesswork) and when the model is created it looks OK in MSTS.

To get around this problem, in Paint Shop Pro v7, after creating the texture file, resize the image (I double it) and then resize it back to the required size and then save it. When it goes into 3DC Pro it is displayed correctly.

<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

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