Group selection behavior

Unfortunately, it seems that this did get slower over time.

I think I have a way of improving performance. It’s on my list.

Ok, I took some time off from 3DC, I’ll admit it. I may be forgetting things.

Has the group operation changed over time?

I remember pressing CTRL-ALT while grouping to get ALL points on a selection, even far side objects.

I find now that I just group with the mouse and I get all points I want.

So why do I ask? If I perform the steps me brain tells me to do (CTRL-ALT)SELECT, a) I don’t get the full selection i expected, b) I just as likely make go unresponsive (IE; Crash)

Sadly… I can’t remember where I found the description of keyboard short cuts for 3DC.

[BLOCKQUOTE class=’ip-ubbcode-quote[/img]
[div class=’ip-ubbcode-quote-title[/img]
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Originally posted by pwillard:
Sadly… I can’t remember where I found the description of keyboard short cuts for 3DC. [/div][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Here, for example:
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""> … yboard.htm</a><!– m –>

Ok, now that I’m doing this correctly again… It still seems S L O W when I’m making selections… anyone else?

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