Free Motion Capture files

Hi Paul,

Yes is very sad that MS will not continue FS and TS, I was looking forward to TS2.

Thank you for your great tools for a great product, Is it possible to animate with the bones currently ?

Say a simple Hand Waving and export it to FSX ??

Thank you..

Over 2500 BVH files are available here:

<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="…e/cmu-bvh-conversion"> … conversion</a><!– m –>

The trouble is the BVH bone import seems to be broken in 7.1.2, but the linb placeholder option works.

Could you explain briefly what BVH bone import can be used for?

They provide more lifelike animations for people/animals.

Probably not too much use for MSTS or RS, but could be useful for TRS with triggered animations and TS2 with boned animations.


I have been playing a bit with this, I too notice that only limb placeholder works in 7.1.2, Cool thing is I can import the BVH and Fit it to a human skin, but when I run it My Skin Figure becomes all broken, I’m a little new to 3d and have covered the Tutorials pretty good, Is it better to make the Skin Object all one with bones or is it possible to fuse the Body Parts so they can work with BVH??

Thx and Cheers !!

I also had a lot of problems after the import. Hopefully Richard will get it fixed in 7.2

Bones are becoming more popular for simulators.
Rail Sim and FSX support them and TS2 would have done.

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