For Il Barbudo and Les Patterson…

Thanks for your nice comments, guys! andnbsp;;)

This forum is most inspirational…

…blame them, they gave me this idea andnbsp;;D.


Btw, any demos of those famous SDS features
of this 3DC 6? I can’t purchase it myself, my
credit card is over all limits… (Christmastime,
you know… andnbsp;:P)

Markku Myllymaki


yeah, engine trail and starfield are added
in Paint Shop Pro. The ship itself is straight
out of 3DC (actually out of Povray…).

And yes, Markku is my first name. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Btw, what does Il Barbudo mean? Is it Spanish
or Italian term? My native language is Finnish,
and my knowledge of other languages is abysmal.

— Markku Myllymaki

My nickname is a little mix, nor italian or spanish, and mean andquot;the bearded one andquot;. I’m Italian and my first name is Andrea (that in Italy is a male name…)


Very nice ship!! andnbsp;;D ;D
Keep it up.



yeah, engine trail and starfield are added
in Paint Shop Pro. The ship itself is straight
out of 3DC (actually out of Povray…).

And yes, Markku is my first name. andnbsp;:)

Btw, what does Il Barbudo mean? Is it Spanish
or Italian term? My native language is Finnish,
and my knowledge of other languages is abysmal.

— Markku Myllymaki

Ops, perhaps we have exaggerated… andnbsp; ;D

Nice ship Markku (is your first name, right?); the engine blur effect was made in post-production or is 3D?


Hi, Timo, I see your game project has progressed… andnbsp; <!– s:D –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!– s:D –>

That looks great! Nice to see your back.

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