Flush Faces

Hi Paul !

Thanks… They were exactly the same size – still had that seam when mating the surfaces…

Equalize ??? HMM – Haven’t looked at that function yet – thanks… I am still learning something new about 3DC on a daily basis…

Yep – the extrudes and the ‘bridge’ operation allowed me to make it virtually in one piece… Polys were reasonable and it looks pretty good…



Is there a better way of handling flush faces in 3DC ? It appears that when I have two shapes mated on a flush face – I get this little line – seam – action – going on between the two shapes… In MSTS you see little flickering dotted lines between the two shapes… Is there some way to eliminate this ? Or do I have to be more strategic when developing the shapes – and try to make the seam occur in a less visable place ?


<!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Nevermind – I decided to redo my entire tender body… I wound up remaking it with numerous extrudes – and – then bridging the gap between halves… Worked out pretty well 90% seamless now and I am pleased with the results… Thanks anyways… <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>


Lining up two objects exactly is a difficult task.

For cube type objects, I make sure they are exactly the same size using the right click ‘scale to’ option and use the butt plugin.

Otherwise there is always the equalise operations, but you would need to combine the objects first as it requires all the points to be in a single object.

Extruding is probably a better option if you can use it as the faces are joined.

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