Flippin’ the switch, but…


You may have some luck with the AddATex shader. It is not exactly what you are trying to do, as it only overlays a texture ‘glow’ effect to a certain part of the model, but it might look pretty neat. At least you can use it to create the lights for engines and rolling stock.

Read more here:
<!– m –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.railsimdownloads.co…php?page=Light+glows">http://www.railsimdownloads.co…php?page=Light+glows</a>&lt;!– m –>


Ok, I know I keep asking questions about lights, and my previous queries have been solved. I have one last question.

Do the point and spot lights that you can use in 3DC work in Railworks? I want to create a glow effect around an outdoor light. I’ve put both the point and spot lights on the model (as suggested in the Amabilis tutorial on loco lights), and they are visible and illuminate the area around them in 3DC. But when I export to Railworks, the lights do not show up, day or nightime.

Now I know that one of the major gripes in Railworks is locomotive lights that don’t illuminate anything. Can I expect the same in this instance?

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