Error 3061 / Components properties panel looks stripped (R

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It’s working properly with 8.1.

Same problem as [img:3qobvqk4][/img:3qobvqk4]

Can you explain what this means:

Click in primary tab

I mean ‘click in primary tab’

I click in the cell corresponding to the primary color (second from the left in the Component properties panel).
A file selection popup appears.
DonG��t select anything but use the cancel button of the file selection window.

I hope it is more properly phrased and understandable <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

Of course it doesn’t cause a problem for me. This is going to be really tricky to fix.

This may be resolved by:

3DC 8.1 Test Version

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