create unique names

Using ver 9.0.4

with the create unique names plugin, is it possible to select group parts using Ctrl D and have the plugin check the selection, rather then select multiple parts one at a time, then run the plugin and have them checked. If I have 20 parts in a group, its a bit of a pain selecting all 20 one by one and then running the plugin.
The plugin will not work with no parts selected at all, must have 2 or more. yet it will not check for create unique names if you have selected all parts in a group with CTRL D nor if you select all objects in your scene using CTRL A.

I always right click on my main part and select Hierarchy, then run the unique names plug-in.
Works for me



oh yes that works, so that way you select all parts without selecting their group names, whats the difference in doing it that way instead of using CTRL A, do you know.
The pop up box (message) that comes up when you use right click – select Hierarchy does not really explain what one is doing, what does " select all members of a hierarchy of the type you selected" in fact mean?
type of what??

Thanks once again Gerrit for your help.

If a plug-in, like the Create Unique Names plug-in only works on shapes or multiple shapes and not groups, then you have to select only the shapes and not the groups.
You do that with right click select Hierarchy.

The exporter to IGS expects the groups and shapes selected.
You do that, as you know of course, with CTRL-A and click the main part.

I hope this makes sense, difficult for me to explain in English.



A slight correction. I’m pretty sure that the IGS exporter only requires that shapes be selected.

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