create faces

I tried with the ‘Create Triangle’ plugin but had problems – that is until I downloaded the latest version <!– s:oops: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!– s:oops: –>. Much quicker than the above method.

hope this isn’t a duplicate, had trouble with posting a moment ago.

Is there a way to create a face using two points from one object and one or two from another object, thereby joining them into one object?

I am aware of operations such as ‘bridge’ which creates faces joining two objects, however there is not much control over how this is done.

Not in one step. You would have to merge the two objects first. The Merge function is on the right hand tool bar.


fair enough.
taking it a step further, joining two edges on the same object? Say that I have a model with a gap in it that ‘solidify’ won’t fill up, but I need to build faces into that hole?

ok, think I figured this out.

Filling in holes (solidify object did not work, the object is too complex or too many faces are missing):
This is something made with moderate ease in other programs, but I never found it thoroughly expleined in the tuts.

Create a face using 3 or 4 points (plug in- create face), or more if needed. Modify the new face size to nearly fit the gap that needs filled, move close into place. The new face does not have to touch the object with the gap at this point, but being close helps.

Select the new face, the Object Merge icon on the right edit tool bar appears, Object merge the face with the object.

The vertices should be closer to the point it will fill than any other vertex, then weld to nearest. Repeat this for any other vertices that have a place to fit into the object.

If you are filling a row of missing faces, if possible, create an object surface composed of faces similar to what you would fill, then merge, then weld vertices. It may help to be sure your number of faces to be filled matches the number of faces on the object, or you may get gaps or overlaps which have to be corrected.

this seems to work. Hope to find an easier way, but this will do.

I did this for you yesterday but never got time to post it (my isp cuts me off at 4 pm <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –> )…

this is one method you can use.

1. start with your two objects
2. merge your objects together
3. so now we only have one object
4. extrude the edge you want to join
5. the extrude gives us two new faces so…
6. choose the face you don’t need and delete it
7. so now we have the extra face…
8. choose the two points you want to join
in this case choose the red point first then ctrl click the grey one – the order you select them in is important <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>)
9. weld them together
10 same for the other side
11 weld
12 one of my better models …

Animated replys!!. Very nice.


You can also use the ‘Create Triangle’ Plugin.


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