centering axis on part

The andquot;centre on objectandquot; operation doesn’t work that way.
Possibly what you need to do is use is the shift tool on the right panel.

Select the tool, hold down the Ctrl key and move the mouse – the pivot point of the object will shift instead of the object (you can restrict this with the X,Y,Z buttons) but it is still a manual process of centering.

I’m not sure what effect it will have on the child groups though.
To do it accurately you’d need another script <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

I also wrote a script/plugin that shift/centres objects on points or faces which may also help.

The current centre object operation can be used with a single face selected, but it distorts the object by shifting the face.



Hi Chaps – I was just wondering could some kind sould tell me if there is an easy way to centre the axs of a part.

I have joined sveral parts together and the axis is offset .

Many Thanks in advance


:-[ Opps

Thanks very much and I am sorry to take up your time with something so simple

Thanks again

take care


There is a button for this – it looks like a small square inside a larger square with arrows pointing in (3 across 3 down from left)

Is this true ??? Richard ???


I may not know what I’m talking about, but could you just do the same thing but click on the Y button, meaning restrict Y axis movemnet while operating the above procedure?


Now let’s add some complexity … is there a way to center an object on only one plane (e.g. x,z only)?
The reason why I need this is because the pivot point for the andquot;mainandquot; part of my train is about 10 metres off to the left… I wanted to know if I can get an easy fix instead of individually shifting about a hundred objects and thingamabob’s …

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