Broken OS w/o backups

It appears that MSTS signal shapes are only available in version 6.5 and higher.

PS Hi Les!

A corruptrd OS has grounded my computer until I find a way to salvage the drive’s data files. I am a licensed user of 3DCPro. I produce models for MSTS and want to keep projects going until I get the data back and the computer drive reformatted.

All I have in the interim is small notebook with a Celeron cpu and win98. Is there any version of 3DC that will allow me to create simple graphics on this machine until I make the recovery?

Luckily, I still have my purchase keys and will be able to reinstall 3DCPro

Thank you

I used version 5.7 sucessfully on windows 98, but Richard says that that version isn’t available for download due to piracy concerns, if I remember correctly.

Version USUALLY works on Windows 98. But sometimes is required: [img:1g697zyg][/img:1g697zyg]

I can make version 5.7a available to you if necessary. Just email me at <!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>.


Hi Richard,

Does V5.7a have support for MSTS signal shapes for subobjecs like the V6.X versions have?


If you haven’t started your recovery yet, you may want to check out ‘File Scavenger’. It was able to get all my models plus many other files when my OS went down recently. Make sure to read all the info about it.

Hello Richard and all you other folks out there. I’ll try to visit more often now…LOL

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