Boolean operation

You have to use the andquot;Commitandquot; button in the object properties window to get the mirrored part andquot;realandquot;.

Hi to all,
I was working on a spaceship with some boolean operation and I’ve seen that during the boolean operations my mesh seem to triangulate some faces that aren’t touched by the operation.
I’ll attach an image: the green stuff are a single mesh created with many estrusion and the grey tube on the right is attached with two boolean operation: a union and a subtraction of two cylinders.
But you can also see the triangulation on the left, in faces not touched by the boolean operation.

It’s a bug?


It’s not EXACTLY a bug, but close. The boolean operations can leave behind triangulation in some areas where the faces were significantly non-planar or concave (this isn’t such a bad thing). Ultimately, it shouldn’t do this, but it will for a couple of more releases (6.2 or 6.3).


Thank you Richard, I’ll wait with hope… andnbsp;;D


Thanks Alex, I’ll try…


The mirror problem is this:
I have a double turret, really a single turret mirrored in X with the real time mirror, whe I try to merge/add/subtract it to the main hull of my ship, it work only for the andquot;realandquot; part, the mirrored part isn’t added/merged/subtracted. So, after the merge in my image, you can see a single turret (the left one).

Oh, even the andquot;optimizeandquot; and the andquot;Object cleanerandquot; script didn’t nothing <!– s:( –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!– s:( –> . I’ll send you my object.

Mmmmh, now the booleans works. <!– s:oops: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!– s:oops: –> I’ve only restared Windows… ???


When you apply multiple boolean operations you sometimes end up with faces that are very tiny slivers. This can result in the math for boolean operations to fail and produce the result you describe. The object may benefit from and andquot;Optimizeandquot; operation or running the andquot;Object Cleanerandquot; script.

Did you apply any andquot;mergesandquot; to the object? That’s another likely cause.

I can’t really see what you are saying about the mirror function not working. Can you provide another picture and perhaps explain what you mirrored the axis you used etc. Or you could just send me the model at <!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –> and I could look for myself. But describe the problem if you send the model so I can reproduce it.


Hi to all,
now I have another problem: I have created a battleship with many boolean operations (many andquot;unionandquot; for the external plates) but now I can’t do more booleans.
I’ve tested with subtraction and union but didn’t work.
My object has 1028 faces and 844 points, there are some limits?


And last but not least, the mirrored object doesn’t properly work in the booleans operations (Rev 3). andnbsp;:(


You have to use the andquot;Commitandquot; button in the object properties window to get the mirrored part andquot;realandquot;.

Ops, I’ve missed it… andnbsp;:-[

Two fails in two days, maybe I must retire myself in a old Tibetan convent … andnbsp;:'(


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