Bevel help please

The bevel operation doesn’t work on points. In fact it shouldn’t let you. (and doesn’t on my computer)

Why not send me the model and see if I can figure it out. (<!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>)


I am having trouble getting the bevel work properly…

(I am using the top face coordinates only)

How can I move the default green point from its place in the middle line?
In all of the examples the green point is sitting above the white middle horizontal line?
I cannot get the green point to move at all.

When I bevel the inside, as I want it to be a platform,
The red arrow indicates that the wall that is created becomes transparent.
If I put the control points undeneath the center horizontal line, the outer edge becomes transparent?

All I want is a little ridge on the outer edge indicating an edge…

Please help!


Can you post a picture showing what part of the object you selected?


It’s not a trick question.


Maybe I should have selected all faces instead of points???

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