Before purchasing 3DCrafter …


I am interested in buying 3DCrafter 9 but I need to know two things.

¿3DCrafter 9 is 100% compatible with Win7 and 64-bit?

And very important …

The models and animations exported with 3DCrafter, are compatible with Unity3D engine?

Regards, Pascual.

[quote:3mupgx6h]I have read this FAQ and I haven’t found a solution to my problem. How do I receive technical support?
The primary avenue for technical support for 3DCrafter is through our discussion forums. You can post to the Technical Support forum anonymously if you wish or you can create a forum membership to have access to all forums. Posting to the forums aids other users by making answers to common questions available immediately to all 3DCrafter users.

No support…

No forum…

…No 3DCrafter

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A support email address is provided to purchasers of 3DCrafter.

3DCrafter doesn’t have a Unity3D export, sorry.

3DCrafter works fine with Windows 7/64 bit. The best thing is to try the freeware version. If it works correctly then the Pro version will work also.

The free version does not help me.

You can only export POV-Ray format (.pov) and I need to export Collada format (.dae).

Would have to buy 3DCrafter Pro, export Collada format (.dae) and then with another tool such as &quot;Autodesk FBX 2012.2 Converter 64-bit&quot;, export it to .fbx.

And so expect the object manipulation has not lost any property along the way.

And if that does not work out I will test a bit expensive, no?

My first question, about the Win7 and 64b. is directed to support.

The second was hoping someone had already been tested and could confirm that there are no problems.

Anyway thanks for answering.

If you want, I can convert the file to Collada. You can send it to me at <!– e –><a href=""></a><!– e –>.

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