any chance of zoom option on texture crop?

It is possible. I’m just not sure if it is something that can be done easily or not. If it is easy I will definitely do it.


We TrainSim users, with our transparency use, could use a closer view of the texture crop window. andnbsp;Any chance of adding a button that doubles it’s size or maybe makes it 50% bigger for a future version? andnbsp;My eyes are almost permanently crossed now <!– s:oops: –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed" /><!– s:oops: –>


I actually spent a considerable amount of time trying to implement this. Unfortunately I could not get this to work either due to my ignorance or some sort of bug in my development environment. I will give it another shot at some point in the future.

In the mean time you could try using the UVMap operation. It permits zooming.


That reminds me, UVMap is very sensitive, it would be nice if you could move the points slower. andnbsp;Is there any way to impliment that?


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