9.1 Hangs at Splash Screen after Install

I am having problems with 3d Crafter 9 on Windows 7 Home Premium. Acer Laptop NVidia GeForce 8600m GT.

Upon launching the application after install, 3d Crafter 9 just hangs at the splash screen with "Loading…"
I was successful in getting older version 8.2.7 to work properly. If there is any other information with regard to my specs
That can help with this problem, let me know.

Sorry for the long delay. There is a log file called 3DC.log located in &quot;documents3DCrafter 9.1&quot;, which might give usefull information. Can you please send it to <!– e –><a href="mailto:support2@amabilis.com">support2@amabilis.com</a><!– e –>, or attach it here? Thanks.

I have the same problem: 3DC is hanging by version 7.1 to 9.1, no problems under the old PC with Win XP.

The log by starting v7.1 says &quot;20.11.2011 | 16:54:50 | Error #: -2147221503 Error Description: Unable to Configure DirectX. Please ensure that the most recent version of DirectX is installed, and that your graphics card drivers are up to date. Error Location: modMain.Main&quot; -&gt; attachment

The log starting v9.1 is empty.

Win7 64b prof
User with adminrights
Same problems using ComatibilityMode (XP) and XP-Mode within the virtual PC
NVidea GTX460 newest drivers
DXdiag: DirectX11, all tests: &quot;no problems&quot;

Thank you for YOUR help

When 3DCrafter installs, it also installs a test program called &quot;VerifyInstall4.exe&quot;. Can you give it a try to see what it reports? It should show a brief 3D Scene, if it succeeds.


The problem is: When 3DCrafter hangs, the logfile is an empty file.

Also the old version 7.1 hangs. The logFile (see the attachement of my post from Sun Nov 20, 2011 4:29 pm reports:
&quot;Error #: -2147221503 Error Description: Unable to Configure DirectX. Please ensure that the most recent version of DirectX is installed, and that your graphics card drivers are up to date. Error Location: modMain.Main&quot;.

Edit at Fr Dez 02, 2011
Sorry, I can’t find VerifyInstall4.exe.There is only VerifyInstall1.exe, VerifyInstall2.exe and VerifyInstall3.exe
The the programs report Install Verification 1..3 Succeeded



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