8.x: Depending on the color, some details are not visible

A temporary solution could be that in ‘solid outline’ mode, the scene is displayed using the only the primary texture in the same manner as a plain color.

With some colors, some details are not visible (see attachement: yellow boxes show where there is an object which is not visible).

And outlines are not visible too (solid outline draw mode).


I wish this problem is given top priority.

When adding a shape, it’s possible to use a simple color and the shape is properly visible.
But then, you quickly texture the shape with its primary texture and it’s not as visible as with the plain color.
Reverting to a plain color to adjust a shape is not an option especially because some parts are not just textured with the fill tool and when using normal maps, with current 3DC 8.2, you need to texture face by face.

Can you re-attach something to show the problem?

Here it is.

I’m wondering if this is a case where the lighting is causing a problem. Can you try something for me? Make a copy of the file and delete all lights, except the directional, and one point light. Does that improve things?

I started adding lights a long time ago for povray rendering.

I removed all lights but one: At last, I can see all the shapes!

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