7.1 import problems: Bonned objects (Resolved)

One last ‘issue’ and I’ll release 8.1.8. Last on the list is that bones are not always visible within their skins.


Problems include:
Transparant objects if attatched to bones
Bonned Objects corrupting and flying over the place
Other random objects being in random spots before animating(starting up the pogram)
Certain objects reverting to original colors
(The round-flower-thing on the far left on the ground is supposed to be a blue-pink color)

Please help.

I just found the same thing myself. I fixed one problem with it yesterday, but I found more.

So, a fix is coming.

I hope to have some fixes for bones in the next release. There’s one fix in the current release, but it’s not enough there are still other bugs, especially with models imported from 7.1.

I’ve made a lot of progress on this, but it still isn’t quite right.

I’m also not happy with the performance of 8.1 with bones/skins. It will take some refinements over the new few revisions to get things as they were in 7.1.

I have this fixed for the next release (8.1.8)

I’ve made a lot of progress on skeletons in general. Performance will be much better in the upcoming release. Similar to 7.1. Maybe slightly slower.

A couple of more issues to resolve with skeletons and then I will release 8.1.8.

I’ve finished all of the ‘issues’. I’m going to put a bit of time into refinements and then release 8.1.8. Hopefully either today, or tomorrow.

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