3DC825-SHIFT-SCALE – Operation Problem (works as designed)

Hi Richard,

Peter reminded me of this in another post…

The SHIFT operation appears to have a problem that seems easy to recreate… Drop a cube with 3DC in standard coordinate mode… Select the two top edges parallel to the Z axis – then press the "SHIFT" operation… While looking down from above start incrementing the "Shift X" control… You will notice that the two edges are not only shifted on the X axis – but the Z axis as well…

Another example…

Drop another cube – select a face – then hit SCALE… Now start changing the X,Y, and Z controls… As the face changes sizes – it is skewed in all kinds of different directions…

Seems like a problem with the coordinate system or something… I’ve noticed this a bunch with various SHIFT and SCALE operations in all the version 8’s – so it’s not a new issue with 825 – I just forgot to mention it…


I was able to reproduce both errors mentioned above.


Yes, both happen as describe. But, believe it or not, there is a reason I don’t consider these bugs, even though they are clearly not ideal.

When you apply an operation, the current "operation orientation" is stored with the shape. As you change the operation parameters, the "operation orientation" is used to determine how to affect the shape. In standard mode the operation orientation is (for faces, edges, and points), a variation of screen coordinates mode, but constrained in such a way that x/z parameter changes result in affect only along the the x/z plane. But these changes are in a general "view" direction, rather than a strict x axis, z axis. This tends to work best for translate, scale etc of points and edges when using the edit control.

Having said that, if a operation is applied manually (i.e. not via the edit control), perhaps a different behviour would be better.

I’ll have to think about this some more.

yes but why would you want the face to twist/skew? Can you expand this a bit please.

Hi Peter,

While I’ll leave it to Richard to explain (I don’t think we had this issue in 7) – I believe if you switch to "Edit Using Shape Coordinates" it alleviates the problem…


The face doesn’t actually skew, though from certain perspectives it appears that way.

I agree with everyonce that this could be better. I’m looking at it for 3DC 9.

I’ll move this one to "Upgrade Requests"

I should mention that if you select and move the shapes/faces in the orthographic views, you can bypass this particular behaviour.

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