3CD and Vista

Unfortunately, it is required to be on for now. It’s one of the things on my list. I’ll be doing a few Vista related things in the next couple of weeks.

Hi … I’m thinking of getting a dual Core Machine with a 32 bit Vista operating system. Will the current version of 3DC and the new Ver7.1 work ok with this as things stand now… read an earlier thread that suggested might be some problems… just wondered what current status might be?

Hi …., I just purchased same set up, 3DC works fine when I’m in Administrator mode , however, on my machine the addin plugins do not show. If I try to run in user mode I get error #372.

I can confirm that any add-in plugins don’t work in Vista, which makes the install pretty useless for what I’m doing. I need the plugins so I’ll keep using my xp install until they are supported in Vista.

Actually, quite a few plugins and scripts have fallen by the wayside since version 7. Surely this shouldn’t be allowed to happen as it degrades the usefulness of the package as a whole. In my case, it certainly outweighs the advantages of the update.

Which plugins are you interested in getting reinstated for 7?
I was thinking of re-writing Deanvilles Piper and foundry as he seems to have stopped working on them.

I wish I had a copy of vista to play with, it’s almost certainly a permission problem that stops the plugins from running – can you set the dll’s to run with admin privilege?

That’s something I neglected. They actually work. But, you need to manually register them using REGSVR32.

To do this, right click on ‘Command Prompt’ in ‘Accessories’ and choose ‘Run as Administrator’. Change to the plugins folder and Type ‘REGSVR32 pluginname’.

That should do it.

I think in the future, plug-ins will need to have installation programs provided with them.

I’ll need to add this temporary solution to the instructions for using plug-ins in Vista.

Richard – can you scan the plugins folder for dll’s and shell regsvr32 silently from a menu option?


I do that currently with 3DC. Unfortunatley, it doesn’t work with Vista.

I would need to shell REGSVR32 in administrator mode since that is required to run REGSVR32 in Vista. I haven’t come up with any solutions. If anyone knows one, let me know.

Btw, It appears you are about to make quite a few people happy. (including me <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>)

Would a .BAT file work for registering to make it simpler for users?

I could provide one for all my plugins or again, one could be generated.

Vista does seem like a step backwards.

Foundry plugin almost works now. Not bad for 1 hours work.
May finish it over the weekend.

A .BAT file probably would work. I use one for compiling my plug-ins.

Vista is like an over-protective mother.

Yep…it would be big grins all round if you can get the piper and foundry working with v7.

I had to use V6.5.1.0 for my latest loco just so I could use the Piper plugin.


Hey, it would be great to get some of these outdated plugins up and running again. Thanks for stepping up to the mark Paul. There’s one little script I used quite a bit called ‘Object Cleaner’ Wondered if you might have a look at that as well <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> There’s another script called ‘resize scene’ but I don’t think it’s that important now as the importer seems to have a resize option, which is nice <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –> Looking forward to using the Deanville plugins once again.

I’ll start another thread in the plugins section on replacing the lost plugins/scripts


The old cmd.exe is still in Vista. Its located under the start/all programs/accessories/cli prompt. I only tried the help and a few commands. The CMD, IF, GOTO are there to run batch files along with all the others. However there is a newer choice available for download named Windows PowerShell. The Windows XP/SP2 version and the Windows Vista versions are separate downloads. Versions are available for both X86 and X64. Power Shell is a combined interactive and scripting environment that gives you access to command-line tools, COM objects, and the .NET Framework Class Library(FCL). A bare bones version on your Vista DVD actually installs Vista. There is a release note file, a 30 page Getting Stared file, a 110 page primer file and a fold-out command graphic file. It is object based instead of the old DOS text based command line and has about 129 command scriplets. The commands are verb-noun combinations with parameters. When it is running it provides a console like display similar to a unix type prompt ex: ps …. but it can also pop up windows. New sciplets can be programmed by the user and compiled. Many similarities exist to C#. Have some fun.

By the way Richard, I noticed while I was experimenting with Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio Express 2005 that while adding references to a Visual Basic Program to allow use of XNA Express references that all of your components for 3DC including .exe, .ocx and .dll are listed in the available references under the COM tab listing. This makes them all available to any clever C#, VB, C++ or J+ programmer as a COM object just like a call to the native Framework Class Library providing one can figure out the calling parameters. Hopefully this is not a problem, but I thought it a good idea to pass on anyway.


That was alot of information. It’s going to take me a while to absorb it all. Thanks. <!– s:) –><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!– s:) –>

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