Transparency/Translucency lost in export.


Did you try visiting the UKTS website at:

<!– m –><a class="postlink" href=""> … andt=85548</a><!– m –>

There is also a downloadable tutorial.


O M G!

This was finally fixed… but it is so far from intuitive.

This process NEEDS help and my opinion is that only a fix to the progam’s current USER INTERFACE handling of these fields can make it right.

Instead of assuming the we… the dummies… know what belongs in these fields… is it not possible to at least pre-fill the fields with the available ‘options’ and what those option combinations mean?

Take a look at the Material Manager Plugin – that should help you considerably.

For FSX/TS2 the problem is going to become worse. I store the 50 extra material properties in one of those fields.

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